Ndego Farm Ventures Academy
Welcome to Ndego Farm Ventures Horticulture Academy, in partnership with COLEAD, where we cultivate knowledge and passion for all things green! Whether you are a seasoned farmer or a curious beginner, our academy offers a wealth of resources to help you thrive in the world of horticulture.
To get Started With Self-Study Courses First Register with COLEAD at https://training.colead.link/mod/page/view.php?id=983
Tutored training courses are also available for tailor-made support projects.
Our Mission
“At Horticulture Academy, our mission is to inspire and educate individuals on the joys and benefits of gardening. We aim to promote sustainable practices and foster a community of passionate gardeners.”
Upcoming Events
Interested in joining our courses ? Visit our Enrollment Page to learn more about our courses. https://ndegofarmventures.com/academy
Social Media Links
“Follow us on social media to stay connected and get the latest updates!”